Is Your Dog Eligible?
Only herding breeds are eligible to participate for lessons. Non-herding breeds cannot participate in herding events. Mixed breed dogs are allowed but they must resemble and act like a herding breed.
Human and dog aggressive dogs are not permitted to attend lessons. If you have a concern about this, please contact me. We can set up private lessons to work on aggression issues separately. Dogs that are hard on livestock may be required to wear a muzzle.
This sport requires obedience and strict adherence to ethical treatment of livestock. We are kind to our dogs and livestock. The primary purpose of a herding dog is to care for livestock.
Dogs must be over 6 months of age, be vaccinated and healthy. We don't impose an upper age limit as some dogs surprise us, but if your dog is geriatric, this is generally not the right sport. Dogs exhibiting any injury or lameness or appear in any way not physically up to the challenge will need a veterinarian's certificate of health to participate.